Sunday, September 9, 2018


 Once a man fell in love with a woman he had seen only once, after that they did not meet again, but several years later he was asked: "Have you ever fallen in love?" To which he replied: "Yes, only I do not know: in that I fell in love with her or her smell. " This topic is relevant because, in the modern world, we are constantly confronted with various smells and often in our head, some images, images, situations and even people come up. And this, in one way or another, acts on our emotional state. The smell is the molecules of the aromatic substance perceived by the receptors of our sense of smell, and sent to the brain, which gives the resolution - "it's such a nice (delicious, tasty, dangerous, etc.) smell." In modern society, certain stereotypes about odors are adopted. They are divided into: pleasant and unpleasant, harsh and soft, etc. At the same time, the opinion of different cultures regarding the same smell may be different.

Some smells have in our minds so strong emotional connections that they can sharply influence our body - cause nausea, vomiting, and even loss of consciousness. Other, pleasant smells, improve our mood, well-being, add energy to us. We feel all these smells with the help of our sense of smell. Seduction is one of five senses given to us, and it plays an important role in our life. According to the widespread scientific hypothesis, it inherited from primitive people, when, like animals, it was necessary for survival - warned of danger, helped to find prey and edible plants, gave information about the surrounding area. We found out the role of smells and smell in human life, now let's talk directly about aromatherapy. From the point of view of modern classical medicine, the principles of the effect of essential oils on the human body are still a mystery. Particularly improbable is the assertion that one oil has different healing properties simultaneously - for example, it can be both antispasmodic, and reproductive, and tonic. Nevertheless, the fact remains. At the same time, only the aromatic properties of this oil are really tangible and verifiable, while only the first results can be believed in the therapeutic properties. Modern medicine has always been skeptical about all the kinds of therapy that can not be (yet) rationally explained, and this limited the development of new knowledge, such as unconventional types of healing - yoga, meditation techniques, folk medicine. And always, as sprouts from under the snow, knowledge, based on the experience of peoples and civilizations filtered out over millennia, broke through and, as if grinning at classical science, easily coped with the problems over which the academicians fought for years.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The correct ritual of hair care: all the subtleties and main stages

We are talking about a ritual that will make your hair unreal beautiful.
Admit it: Have you ever thought about whether you are washing your hair correctly? Is it enough to apply shampoo, do you wash it well? I found the answers to these and other questions.And here I am already in the Erteqoob. The first question Andrei asked me was how I take care of my hair, and after my monologue was a long one in life, I specified what type of hair I have. Then he carefully examined his hair and began to tell what they would become, if the ritual of caring for them was right. I, of course, do not doubt his professionalism (he is a darling!), But I can not believe that my head of hearing will be the way he described it. But in vain. hair care always begins with the scalp. On this post and built a new brand Hair Rituel by Sisley. Andrew told me that my daily washing of my head does not in any way affect the quality of hair - the main thing is to use the right and high-quality products. He advised to apply them on a regular basis, because the latter have a cumulative nature: even if you left for a couple of days without them on a business trip, then one wash hair with shampoo from the hotel (no matter how cool it is) will be enough to bring the whole effect to nothing ."What should I do if I constantly test hair products of different brands?" I asked. "Do not worry, use your health, but then wash your head again with the means to which your hair has become accustomed." So about washing your hair. We moved to another zone, where all the magic started. 
For my straight, but slightly curly hair, Andrew chose the smoothing shampoo Revitalizing Smoothong Shampoo, 
 which includes a whole storehouse of ingredients useful for hair and scalp: here you and zinc, and copper, which regulate the balance of the scalp, vitamins E, B5, B6 , cotton proteins (restore the structure of the hair protein), alpha-bisabol (smoothes), shea butter and macadamia and moringa, which nourish and enhance shine.
Andrew told how to properly clean the hair: first rinse them, then along the entire perimeter of the head and on the top of the spot, apply the shampoo. Begin to foil it well, moving your fingers from the periphery to the crown. Thus, you massage the scalp and improve blood circulation in this area.
When foaming the shampoo it is important not to rinse it with water, but on the contrary - completely immerse the hair in foam, creating a kind of "foam bath"., the molecules of the active components will have time to penetrate the hair and scalp. Only then you can wash the product with water. By the way, a sign of good, quality shampoo, is the appearance of foam from small "bulb". This suggests that its molecules are very small and better penetrate into the hair. is important to wash the hair very carefully - they must in the literal sense of the word squeak. If there is such a feeling, then you can proceed to the second soap (always wash your head twice). Then turn the air conditioner, which must be used. It is intended for smoothing the cuticle, increasing gloss, improving the strength of hair and banal facilitation of combing. Apply to damp, slightly wrung out towels. Leave on the time specified in the instructions (here 2-3 minutes), and then wash thoroughly.
Once or twice a week, use a mask instead of an air conditioner. Without it, to bring hair to excellent condition will be very difficult. Regenerating Hair Care Mask was applied to me. Its main feature is that the product needs to be applied not only to the hair, but also to the scalp.It is also important to apply the mask to damp (not wet!) Hair. Start with the scalp and distribute the product with massaging movements (from the periphery to the crown).Lifshack for improving the penetration of the mask: after applying, wrap the head with a towel, which is pre-heated slightly (you can use a dryer or battery). 
In days when you apply a mask, the conditioner is not necessary to apply (but it is possible).Ten minutes with a mask, and I remove the towel. Andrew once again arranges a session of scalp massage and tells lifhak: that all the components that are absorbed, stayed longer in the hair, you need to close the cuticle of the hair.