Tuesday, December 4, 2018

I walked with my son and met a friend

Yesterday I was walking with my son and met a friend. I would like to write a "girlfriend", but I can not - we are not very close. She contacted me for help about 5 years ago, knowing that I was going to a boarding school where orphans live, and asked me to take her with me. I gladly agreed.

Natasha and the children from the boarding school got along perfectly well and went back, shining with happiness. In parting, she thanked me warmly for the opportunity and said something mysterious:

- I understood something important for myself today. And dispel all doubts. Now I'm not scared.

Subsequently, it turned out that it was about the fact that she and her husband, Alexei, were going to take the child from the baby's house. With my children did not work on medical records.

Natasha was very worried whether she could become a good mother for someone else’s child. Time has shown - it can. Life is unpredictable: sometimes an alien child may become closer to the mother, as well as a foster mother - closer to the mother.

In general, now Natasha has a son. Reception. She, of course, does not advertise, but it is noticeable: Natasha is a Ryazan woman with a blond braid, she lacks a rocker and a kokoshnik to complete the image of the Russian beauty, and her son has narrow slanted eyes, which seem to be lye due to puffy apple cheeks.
And Pete is already 4 years old. They adopted him a half. He then lagged behind in development, did not go and did not speak. Natasha enthusiastically worked as a mommy - desperately saved Petya from the past, laundered from betrayal, cleaned from indifference. And saved. Loved her. Fattened. The past is gone. There is a bright present and a tempting future.


Now Petya is no different from peers. He goes to the kindergarten, counts to 10, was a Luntik at the autumn festival.
I hope when he grows up - he will be able to appreciate the feat of the mother. Although ... why the feat? Natasha is happy to be a mother, she took Petya in order to pour out supplies of unspent love on him, otherwise her heart might break. No one knows who saved whom in this situation.

But yesterday Natasha was sad. She told me that her husband left her 2 months ago. He said that "I was not imagining it to myself."


“This” is about Petya. Who appeared in the house - and immediately became a new "navel of the earth", and Lyosha could not stand the competition. Previously, Natasha belonged to him all, without a trace, and she bathed him daily in her love, and now her love goes through Lesha in transit to Petka, and he only has pasta stuck together (forgive me, I didn’t manage to cook anything - Petka took a massage for massage) throughout the house - as if marked by a competitor territory.


A husband, of course, cannot be bracketed even for the sake of the necessary rehabilitation of a child. But she did not expect such a detachment from Lesha. I came home, I thought - there is a husband, and there - an iceberg from the fog grows out of the icy mountain ...


Team play failed. They are in the same team, but Natasha is pulling for two, and Lyosha is walking slowly, out of step, and in the wrong direction ... In general, they separated.

I was genuinely upset. Natasha's husband always gave the impression of a loving man and an excellent family man.

- You did not hurry, kicked him? - I carefully clarify. I am always for a family, for “try to save, if it is still possible,” than for the ashes of burned bridges.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

What if the newborn sleeps badly?

Scientists are still arguing about the purpose of sleep in human life. Lack of sleep affects not only physical well-being, but also the desire to communicate, have fun, and live a full life. The world around us is not happy, we become irritable and more rude. Losing a few hours of sleep at night will slow down a person’s response by 40 percent or more. And we are talking about adults. And if the baby does not sleep well? How does this affect his well-being?
Restless sleep for a short time can signal a disease. Over a long period of time, the newborn sleeps poorly, constantly crying, does not put on weight, sluggish - run to the doctor! Prolonged sleep disorder can aggravate his health. But do not prematurely panic.
this link As a rule, the reasons for which the baby does not sleep well at night can be eliminated independently. What to do? follow
Already by three months, the number of hours of sleep will decrease to 15. There will be more activity in the daytime, and at night, on the contrary, many children already begin to refuse feeding and can sleep in a row for up to 9-10 hours, cry less. Please note that during the day there should be at least 3 periods of sleep. website

Many young parents believe that the older their baby is, the more time it should spend in the active phase. If the child is too playful and restless, often wakes up at night and does not sleep enough during the day - this is one of the symptoms of fatigue. So, there is some reason why a newborn sleeps badly every night, and she must be urgently addressed. There are situations when the baby does not sleep for 5 hours in a row, and if he falls asleep, after 10 minutes wakes up with crying. This is an obvious disorder, which says that the crumb does not reach the phase of deep sleep, respectively, it does not rest well and does not recover. What are the main reasons, why does infants sleep badly at night, sleep heavily and often wake up?

Psychological causes of poor sleep

Kids perfectly fall asleep under such noises as working television, talk, murmuring music. But any harsh sound or bright light can knock down the sleep phase, scare, provoke nervousness. To make the baby more comfortable, darken the room with curtains, arrange the bed in such a way that direct light does not fall on it.
Infants are very susceptible to the emotional state of the mother. Your excessive activity, nervousness, bad mood are transmitted to the child. During pregnancy, the baby gets used to hear the sound of his mother's heart, childbirth is a stress for both mother and baby. In the new environment, without hearing your heart rate, not connected with you by the umbilical cord, he experiences a feeling akin to a strong loneliness. What to do? If a young mother is more likely to talk with a crumb, hold him in her arms, fall asleep nearby, a sense of security and communication with you will return. After some time, the baby will get used to the new state, calm down and begin to fall asleep at night with your minimum participation.

Physiological causes of poor sleep

Causes of poor sleep can be discomfort, pain, discomfort. The most common:
Intestinal colic. The cause of colic is often increased gas formation. When crying or feeding, the baby takes too much air. Gas accumulates in the intestines and causes pain. The difficulty with the discharge of gases due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed. For a long time, the baby received all the necessary substances through the umbilical cord, and now he needs to digest the food himself. Very often, children wake up from these unpleasant feelings at night and begin to cry.
To understand that anxiety is connected with intestinal colic, it is possible according to the behavior of the child. The tummy is dressed, the baby cries and presses the legs to the stomach. Usually colic begins at the 3rd week of life and ends at the 3rd month. Colic is not a disease, but a stage of formation of proper microflora in the intestine. Parents need to help baby survive this period. Mom is better to refuse food that calls for gas formation - bread, fruit, beans. When feeding, you should watch the baby take the breast so that during the meal it does not capture the extra air. To avoid colic, it is recommended to lay it on your tummy before each feeding. And after eating, hold the post until it disgushes the accumulated air. http://friendblast.com/index.php?do=/blog/82924/what-is-it-the-correct-sleep-of-a-child/
 When the colic is already overpowered, a tummy massage or a warm diaper applied to the abdomen helps well. The above methods did not work? - It remains to resort to an excellent folk remedy: dill water.

Discomfort caused by overheating, cold or long stay in the diaper. If overheated, the baby's skin will turn red. The fact that the child is cold can be understood by touching his cheeks. You feel that they are cold - it is worth finishing the walk or putting the baby on warmer if you are at home. But a long stay in the diaper can cause severe skin irritation and even diaper rash. The skin of a newborn is very delicate and thin. It is better not to use diapers on an ongoing basis, especially

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Massage is a set of mechanical techniques

What is massage? Let's see. Massage is a set of mechanical techniques that affect organs and tissues. It is carried out both by hand and with the help of special devices. To enhance the action, fragrant oils, medicinal gels and even temperature effects are used - ice during cryomassage.General massage aims to increase muscle tone. All its inherent receptions - pressure, vibration, friction, causing alternating relaxation and contraction of muscles, which leads to an increase in the elasticity and flexibility. Massage is not for nothing called passive exercise, which, moreover, is not accompanied by increased blood pressure or difficulty breathing
From therapeutic - percussive massage, for example, and special - sports, cellulite, characterized by the general study of the entire front and rear surfaces of the body without concentrating on particular areas. If there are no diseases for which massage is prohibited, this approach is fully justified.
The technology of the session depends on the massage school. So, Oriental always include a head and face massage. Westerners, as a rule, exclude this area, focusing on the body. 4shared.com The procedure time ranges from 45 to 90 minutes. An excessively long session will do more harm than good, and can cause drowsiness and lethargy. Proper body massage creates a feeling of lightness in the body, supple and taut muscles, provides a burst of energy and good mood. If this is not the case, then the session takes too long or some of its techniques are not suitable. https://community.kingsfans.com/members/opheli.44262/#about
During the hour-long session, 30 minutes are given to massage the back of the body, and 30 minutes to the kneading of the front. Begin the procedure from the back, then massage the neck and shoulders, then the buttocks and hips, and finally the legs. Massage the front surface begins with the legs - ankle, knees, hips, then massage the chest and very carefully hands up to the hands. The session ends with a belly massage.The scheme is identical to procedures of any length, but the processing of individual sections is determined by many factors, the general condition, body weight, development of muscle tissue, fat distribution layer and so on. General massage without a preliminary examination by a specialist and the definition of zones of sensitivity is impossible.Skin diseases, increasing and painful lymph nodes, and the presence of diseases requiring therapeutic massage, the general is not carried out. Special attention is required condition of the venous system: varicose veins and painful sessions are prohibited, but to answer this question exactly can only practitioner. websiteWhat is useful?Massage is a therapeutic procedure even if it does not pursue any specific goals. The number of diseases that are cured or prevented in this way is simply incalculable. In addition, it is the most pleasant way to bring in the tone and muscles, and joints, and even your own thoughts.

The skin is rich in nerve endings. Even a simple warming touch brings pleasure and relaxes tired muscles. Rubbing and kneading the whole body increases this feeling many times. Massage causes the production of endorphin, so that peace and happiness are the usual signs of a properly performed procedure.
Pressure and rubbing causes the muscle tissue to contract and relax. Thus, they restore elasticity and strength even to muscles that are atrophied after prolonged inactivity. Absolutely no harm will massage and after a well conducted training: exercise makes muscles contract, while rubbing their draws. On the one hand, it helps to quickly get rid of excess lactic acid, on the other - increases the elasticity of the fabric. In fact, a general massage is designed for relaxation and toning of muscle tissue only. This means that during grinding and pressure, the speciali http://www.mobypicture.com/user/staceymitchellt/view/20436147past pays the most attention to the muscle response. The rest of the impact is considered additional.
Mechanical effect on skin and muscle tissue indirectly tone and blood circulation: activates blood flow, dilates the capillaries. This tissue gets more oxygen and nutrition. Not in vain, after the massage, the skin also becomes much more elastic and tender.
General massage helps to reduce blood pressure, and even affects the lymphatic system, accelerating the removal of toxins. https://alumni.csum.edu/pages/get-involved/other?messageid4089=786&tid4089=740&dgs4089=3
Despite the fact that in European schools massage of the head is not included in the scheme, sessions allow to get rid of headaches of different nature. The impact on the neck and shoulder area restores normal blood circulation of the head, that is a guarantee not only the lack of a migraine, but also a good mood, vitality, excellent memory and attentiveness.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

3 components of good sleep baby: parents note

There are some components, without which the baby will be difficult to get into the arms of Morpheus. Think about it beforehand.
Good rest is very important for children. It provides a normal rhythm of growth processes, nervous activity, restores the work of the brain and the whole organism. That is why babies sleep most of the day, gaining strength.

There are approximate sleep rates for a child. Of course, they depend on many factors, but the main one is the age of the baby:

  • 1-2 months - 18-19 hours;
  • 3-4 months - 17 hours;
  • 5-6 months - 16 hours;
  • 7-9 months - 15 hours;
  • 10-12 months - 14 hours.
Your child sleeps much less than normal, and then is naughty all day? If the cause is not sick, help him fall asleep!

  1. https://www.reverbnation.com/monicamelena
  2. https://monicamelena.bandcamp.com/album/monomel
  3. https://yourlisten.com/monmelena
  4. https://www.noisetrade.com/monicamelena
  5. https://www.realmusic.ru/id233924/
  6. https://soundcloud.com/user-272713487/generation
  7. https://www.4shared.com/u/ZXq3yEot/monmelena.html
  8. http://www.mobypicture.com/user/monmelena/view/20435592
  9. https://blip.fm/monmelena
  10. https://www.mixcloud.com/monmelena/generation/
  11. https://community.kingsfans.com/members/opheli.44262/#about

Equipped bed

Today he falls asleep at home in his arms, tomorrow - on the street in a wheelchair, then - in a car or at a party. And each time the script changes. And nothing else, just wake up the baby is not in the same place where he fell asleep.

Remember how the baby looks at all sides immediately after waking up. What wants to see? His usual world and mother's eyes. However, sometimes you do not have time to run to the room, or during the period of sleep you have already transferred the baby to bed. Therefore, you get tears.

Arrange a place to sleep and try to lay the child there. So that the usual things, smells, and lighting should be nearby. If it happens that you need to sleep somewhere else, be near when the child wakes up and greet him.

Comfortable mattress

Baby sleeping on a mattress, which he got from a brother or sister? Most likely, during the use of it there were dents, so the child is simply uncomfortable (and it is dangerous for the backrest!) To sleep on such a surface. Therefore, experts recommend to buy for your baby a quality orthopedic mattress. Be sure to new! It is also advised not to lay the child on the pillow and not to use it for a year. Another warning: you can sleep only in the stroller where the backrest is deflected to a horizontal position. Watch this!

Hearty dinner and delicious tea

Even the most restless kids fall asleep at her mother's breast. Feeding with milk, the baby works - it actively sucks the breast and of course gets tired at the same time. It happens even without finishing the meal, the baby falls asleep. A few minutes later did not wake up to finish? Do not prevent him from sleeping, carefully pull out his chest and cover the child with a blanket.

Is your baby bottle-fed? Then try to calculate your mealtime so that half an hour after dinner (or less) it is bedtime. Just do not let the little bottle in hand, even if he knows how to keep it well yourself. Better feed him yourself. Dormant, the baby can not hold the bottle and release it. Now and sleep was gone! Your embrace, on the contrary, lull you to sleep. By the way, if you feed the baby and lie down to relax with it, your sleep will last much longer, because the smell of the mother, the feeling of intimacy and safety sets you up for a long and relaxing vacation.

Many people advise giving a calming drink before bedtime. Those who are bottle-fed, and all after the introduction of complementary foods - some water or special children's tea. Senior can offer a glass of milk or kefirchik.

However, there are those who believe that drinking before a day or night's sleep stimulates frequent urination, which wakes the child. They can argue. First, when a child needs it, you still need to water it. Especially when the room is too warm or the batteries are turned on. Secondly, today there are many types of diapers, panties, which absorb moisture well. So why not drink a warm tea before bed?

The benefits and harms of aromatherapy.

 At all times, people liked the pleasant smells of the sea wind, freshly cut grass or resinous pine buds. The smell excites, soothes or, on the contrary, excites. It has been proven to smell essential oils found mainly in plant tissues. Since ancient times, healers have used this property of plants in their practice, intuitively guessing its use for patients. You can buy dapoxetine in Kazan on the website of the online store pulse-love.com

At all times, people liked the pleasant smells of the sea wind, freshly cut grass or resinous pine buds. The smell excites, soothes or, on the contrary, excites. It has been proven to smell essential oils found mainly in plant tissues. Since ancient times, healers have used this property of plants in their practice, intuitively guessing its use for patients.
Recent studies have greatly expanded the scope of information about aromatherapy. So nowadays they call it “smell treatment”. Of course, we are talking about adjuvant therapy, because everyone understands that sniffing garlic, for all its usefulness, cannot cure the flu! Aromatherapy is often used in combination with manual massage and acupuncture to enhance the positive effect.It is known that the essential oils of lemon balm, fir and juniper have a calming effect on highly excitable patients with an unstable nervous system. A relaxing massage with the same oils greatly facilitates the condition of patients with prolonged depression. With the same pathology, mandarin oil and red orange oil are shown, but it should be noted that the effect in this case will not be relaxing, but rather tonic and invigorating. Tea tree essential oil, in addition to its pleasant smell, also has an antibacterial effect. It can be applied to the skin with certain dermatological infections.But aromatherapy, like any medal, has two sides. The use of any drug requires caution, as it involves some risk of possible side effects. There are a number of facts that should not be forgotten.

For example, rosemary oil contributes to an increase in blood pressure. Essential oils of lavender and tea tree have an estrogen-like effect, so they should be used with caution by women over 35 years old. Some of the essential oils can trigger an asthma attack or cause an allergic reaction. It is not recommended to also use aromatherapy for pregnant women in the first trimester due to the theoretical possibility of a teratogenic effect.
There is no single advice on the correct use of essential oils. Most often, a few drops of aromatic oil are added to the aroma lamp bowl. As a rule, these are various clay figures with a recess for a candle-tablet and a container for water, into which oil is dropped. Sometimes the oil with water is sprayed from the diffuser in the room. If it is recommended to use aromatic oil for massage, it should be diluted in neutral oil or lotion.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

The world of smells

The world of smells surrounds us everywhere, and we face it continuously. The role of smells in our lives is huge. Modern people are accustomed to thinking that smells are just combinations of molecules that, when they enter the nose, irritate the nerve endings that transmit information to the brain. But according to the ideas of the ancient sages, the smell is the subtlest manifestation of material nature and is directly connected with the elements of the earth. Smells appeared together with the element of earth and are present wherever there is this element.


The influence of aromas on the physical and mental state of man has been known since time immemorial, as evidenced by vessels for incense and images of fragrant plants, found during excavations of ancient civilizations. The Bible and the Koran describe the various effects of the use of natural aromatic substances: from magic to aesthetic and medicinal. Detailed descriptions of the use of aromatic substances can be found in the ancient Indian epic poems "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana", which narrate the events that took place more than 5000 years ago. There also appear the first mentions of scented candles and sticks used to create a favorable atmosphere in the rooms, in noisy festive areas, as well as for performing magical rituals and treating various ailments. The ancient Egyptians, and then the Romans and the Greeks valued incense just as gold, silver, spices, and, considering them symbols of wealth, presented incense as the most valuable gifts. The ancient Greek poet Anacreon claimed that fragrant wands have a beneficial effect on feelings and thoughts. The Chinese poet and painter Wang Wei wrote to his student: “Fragrances act on you cleansingly and regenerating, strengthening your energy and filling your thoughts with serenity and pacification.” E.I. Roerich noted in her letters that smells are capable of controlling mood and performance, and the Koran says: “Smell is food that awakens the spirit ...”.

In the Middle Ages, when the plague became the scourge of all people, they tried to fight it with the help of fumigating air. It was believed that this destroys a bad "aura" or a deadly disease that hovers in the air. Doctors recommended collecting aromatic plants, drying and burning them every 12 hours. So huge fires of pines gave acrid smoke, which was very effective. Incense powder form was burned in homes and on the street. Scented candles burned in hospitals. Aromatic substances were the best antiseptics available at the time, and people, knowing this, used them against the Black Death.Each of us knows firsthand how the smell of flowers or fresh grass improves our well-being and improves our mood. Conversely, unpleasant odors cause depression. Thus, the smell can have either a negative or a positive effect on the physical body, on feelings and emotions, as well as on the thoughts of a person. Therefore, it is very important and useful to learn how to use this subtle energy - the smell to achieve peace, joy and harmony about life.Aromas and human bioenergetics
The ancient sages referred to man as a unique creation that was created in the image and likeness of God and is able to interact with the entire Universe. And man is not just a combination of atoms and molecules. It is an eternally existing soul, a spiritual person who is the source of energy in the body and controls the body like a driver driving a car. In addition to the dense physical body, man also has six more subtle bodies that do not manifest themselves in the physical plane that we are used to. At the same time, the smell as the thinnest substance can affect both the physical and thinner bodies.More subtle than the physical is the etheric body. It is an energy substance, consisting of magnetic fields. The etheric body includes seven energy centers - the chakras - and a multitude of energy channels through which energy is received and transmitted in the body. The etheric body is able to penetrate physically tangible objects. So it goes beyond the boundaries of our dense body, which is enclosed in it, as if in the "energy egg". The border of this "egg" is called an aura. The health of the etheric body depends on the health of both the physical and even more subtle - the astral and mental - bodies, because the etheric body, like cement mortar, holds the bricks together - the dense body system, and also provides the connection between the mental (mind), astral (senses, emotions) and physical bodies.

Sunday, September 9, 2018


 Once a man fell in love with a woman he had seen only once, after that they did not meet again, but several years later he was asked: "Have you ever fallen in love?" To which he replied: "Yes, only I do not know: in that I fell in love with her or her smell. " This topic is relevant because, in the modern world, we are constantly confronted with various smells and often in our head, some images, images, situations and even people come up. And this, in one way or another, acts on our emotional state. The smell is the molecules of the aromatic substance perceived by the receptors of our sense of smell, and sent to the brain, which gives the resolution - "it's such a nice (delicious, tasty, dangerous, etc.) smell." In modern society, certain stereotypes about odors are adopted. They are divided into: pleasant and unpleasant, harsh and soft, etc. At the same time, the opinion of different cultures regarding the same smell may be different.

Some smells have in our minds so strong emotional connections that they can sharply influence our body - cause nausea, vomiting, and even loss of consciousness. Other, pleasant smells, improve our mood, well-being, add energy to us. We feel all these smells with the help of our sense of smell. Seduction is one of five senses given to us, and it plays an important role in our life. According to the widespread scientific hypothesis, it inherited from primitive people, when, like animals, it was necessary for survival - warned of danger, helped to find prey and edible plants, gave information about the surrounding area. We found out the role of smells and smell in human life, now let's talk directly about aromatherapy. From the point of view of modern classical medicine, the principles of the effect of essential oils on the human body are still a mystery. Particularly improbable is the assertion that one oil has different healing properties simultaneously - for example, it can be both antispasmodic, and reproductive, and tonic. Nevertheless, the fact remains. At the same time, only the aromatic properties of this oil are really tangible and verifiable, while only the first results can be believed in the therapeutic properties. Modern medicine has always been skeptical about all the kinds of therapy that can not be (yet) rationally explained, and this limited the development of new knowledge, such as unconventional types of healing - yoga, meditation techniques, folk medicine. And always, as sprouts from under the snow, knowledge, based on the experience of peoples and civilizations filtered out over millennia, broke through and, as if grinning at classical science, easily coped with the problems over which the academicians fought for years.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The correct ritual of hair care: all the subtleties and main stages

We are talking about a ritual that will make your hair unreal beautiful.
Admit it: Have you ever thought about whether you are washing your hair correctly? Is it enough to apply shampoo, do you wash it well? I found the answers to these and other questions.And here I am already in the Erteqoob. http://hairtoolexpert.stereokiller.com/ The first question Andrei asked me was how I take care of my hair, and after my monologue was a long one in life, I specified what type of hair I have. Then he carefully examined his hair and began to tell what they would become, if the ritual of caring for them was right. I, of course, do not doubt his professionalism (he is a darling!), But I can not believe that my head of hearing will be the way he described it. But in vain.

https://fortalent.com/blog/view/s/2018-04-15-hair-health-for-you/Proper hair care always begins with the scalp. On this post and built a new brand Hair Rituel by Sisley. Andrew told me that my daily washing of my head does not in any way affect the quality of hair - the main thing is to use the right and high-quality products. He advised to apply them on a regular basis, because the latter have a cumulative nature: even if you left for a couple of days without them on a business trip, then one wash hair with shampoo from the hotel (no matter how cool it is) will be enough to bring the whole effect to nothing .
http://www.agreatertown.com/oakland_ca/hair_health_for_you_0004381636"What should I do if I constantly test hair products of different brands?" I asked. "Do not worry, use your health, but then wash your head again with the means to which your hair has become accustomed." So about washing your hair. We moved to another zone, where all the magic started.http://noisefestival.com/blog/hair-health-and-beauty-asavea 
For my straight, but slightly curly hair, Andrew chose the smoothing shampoo Revitalizing Smoothong Shampoo, 
 which includes a whole storehouse of ingredients useful for hair and scalp: here you and zinc, and copper, which regulate the balance of the scalp, vitamins E, B5, B6 , cotton proteins (restore the structure of the hair protein), alpha-bisabol (smoothes), shea butter and macadamia and moringa, which nourish and enhance shine.
Andrew told how to properly clean the hair: first rinse them, then along the entire perimeter of the head and on the top of the spot, apply the shampoo. Begin to foil it well, moving your fingers from the periphery to the crown. Thus, you massage the scalp and improve blood circulation in this area.
When foaming the shampoo it is important not to rinse it with water, but on the contrary - completely immerse the hair in foam, creating a kind of "foam bath".



https://sf.storeboard.com/blogs/beauty-and-fashion/the-beauty-of-your-hair-with-asavea-brush/882158Thus, the molecules of the active components will have time to penetrate the hair and scalp. Only then you can wash the product with water. By the way, a sign of good, quality shampoo, is the appearance of foam from small "bulb". This suggests that its molecules are very small and better penetrate into the hair.
http://www.mypolonia.com/user/blogs/view/name_hairtoolexpert/id_96702/title_Hair-health-and-beauty-with-an-asavea-brush/It is important to wash the hair very carefully - they must in the literal sense of the word squeak. If there is such a feeling, then you can proceed to the second soap (always wash your head twice). Then turn the air conditioner, which must be used. It is intended for smoothing the cuticle, increasing gloss, improving the strength of hair and banal facilitation of combing.  http://dafnibrush.stereokiller.com/ Apply to damp, slightly wrung out towels. Leave on the time specified in the instructions (here 2-3 minutes), and then wash thoroughly.
Once or twice a week, use a mask instead of an air conditioner. Without it, to bring hair to excellent condition will be very difficult. Regenerating Hair Care Mask was applied to me. Its main feature is that the product needs to be applied not only to the hair, but also to the scalp.It is also important to apply the mask to damp (not wet!) Hair. Start with the scalp and distribute the product with massaging movements (from the periphery to the crown).Lifshack for improving the penetration of the mask: after applying, wrap the head with a towel, which is pre-heated slightly (you can use a dryer or battery).


In days when you apply a mask, the conditioner is not necessary to apply (but it is possible).Ten minutes with a mask, and I remove the towel. Andrew once again arranges a session of scalp massage and tells lifhak: that all the components that are absorbed, stayed longer in the hair, you need to close the cuticle of the hair.