Tuesday, December 4, 2018

I walked with my son and met a friend

Yesterday I was walking with my son and met a friend. I would like to write a "girlfriend", but I can not - we are not very close. She contacted me for help about 5 years ago, knowing that I was going to a boarding school where orphans live, and asked me to take her with me. I gladly agreed.

Natasha and the children from the boarding school got along perfectly well and went back, shining with happiness. In parting, she thanked me warmly for the opportunity and said something mysterious:

- I understood something important for myself today. And dispel all doubts. Now I'm not scared.

Subsequently, it turned out that it was about the fact that she and her husband, Alexei, were going to take the child from the baby's house. With my children did not work on medical records.

Natasha was very worried whether she could become a good mother for someone else’s child. Time has shown - it can. Life is unpredictable: sometimes an alien child may become closer to the mother, as well as a foster mother - closer to the mother.

In general, now Natasha has a son. Reception. She, of course, does not advertise, but it is noticeable: Natasha is a Ryazan woman with a blond braid, she lacks a rocker and a kokoshnik to complete the image of the Russian beauty, and her son has narrow slanted eyes, which seem to be lye due to puffy apple cheeks.
And Pete is already 4 years old. They adopted him a half. He then lagged behind in development, did not go and did not speak. Natasha enthusiastically worked as a mommy - desperately saved Petya from the past, laundered from betrayal, cleaned from indifference. And saved. Loved her. Fattened. The past is gone. There is a bright present and a tempting future.


Now Petya is no different from peers. He goes to the kindergarten, counts to 10, was a Luntik at the autumn festival.
I hope when he grows up - he will be able to appreciate the feat of the mother. Although ... why the feat? Natasha is happy to be a mother, she took Petya in order to pour out supplies of unspent love on him, otherwise her heart might break. No one knows who saved whom in this situation.

But yesterday Natasha was sad. She told me that her husband left her 2 months ago. He said that "I was not imagining it to myself."


“This” is about Petya. Who appeared in the house - and immediately became a new "navel of the earth", and Lyosha could not stand the competition. Previously, Natasha belonged to him all, without a trace, and she bathed him daily in her love, and now her love goes through Lesha in transit to Petka, and he only has pasta stuck together (forgive me, I didn’t manage to cook anything - Petka took a massage for massage) throughout the house - as if marked by a competitor territory.


A husband, of course, cannot be bracketed even for the sake of the necessary rehabilitation of a child. But she did not expect such a detachment from Lesha. I came home, I thought - there is a husband, and there - an iceberg from the fog grows out of the icy mountain ...


Team play failed. They are in the same team, but Natasha is pulling for two, and Lyosha is walking slowly, out of step, and in the wrong direction ... In general, they separated.

I was genuinely upset. Natasha's husband always gave the impression of a loving man and an excellent family man.

- You did not hurry, kicked him? - I carefully clarify. I am always for a family, for “try to save, if it is still possible,” than for the ashes of burned bridges.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

What if the newborn sleeps badly?

Scientists are still arguing about the purpose of sleep in human life. Lack of sleep affects not only physical well-being, but also the desire to communicate, have fun, and live a full life. The world around us is not happy, we become irritable and more rude. Losing a few hours of sleep at night will slow down a person’s response by 40 percent or more. And we are talking about adults. And if the baby does not sleep well? How does this affect his well-being?
Restless sleep for a short time can signal a disease. Over a long period of time, the newborn sleeps poorly, constantly crying, does not put on weight, sluggish - run to the doctor! Prolonged sleep disorder can aggravate his health. But do not prematurely panic.
this link As a rule, the reasons for which the baby does not sleep well at night can be eliminated independently. What to do? follow
Already by three months, the number of hours of sleep will decrease to 15. There will be more activity in the daytime, and at night, on the contrary, many children already begin to refuse feeding and can sleep in a row for up to 9-10 hours, cry less. Please note that during the day there should be at least 3 periods of sleep. website

Many young parents believe that the older their baby is, the more time it should spend in the active phase. If the child is too playful and restless, often wakes up at night and does not sleep enough during the day - this is one of the symptoms of fatigue. So, there is some reason why a newborn sleeps badly every night, and she must be urgently addressed. There are situations when the baby does not sleep for 5 hours in a row, and if he falls asleep, after 10 minutes wakes up with crying. This is an obvious disorder, which says that the crumb does not reach the phase of deep sleep, respectively, it does not rest well and does not recover. What are the main reasons, why does infants sleep badly at night, sleep heavily and often wake up?

Psychological causes of poor sleep

Kids perfectly fall asleep under such noises as working television, talk, murmuring music. But any harsh sound or bright light can knock down the sleep phase, scare, provoke nervousness. To make the baby more comfortable, darken the room with curtains, arrange the bed in such a way that direct light does not fall on it.
Infants are very susceptible to the emotional state of the mother. Your excessive activity, nervousness, bad mood are transmitted to the child. During pregnancy, the baby gets used to hear the sound of his mother's heart, childbirth is a stress for both mother and baby. In the new environment, without hearing your heart rate, not connected with you by the umbilical cord, he experiences a feeling akin to a strong loneliness. What to do? If a young mother is more likely to talk with a crumb, hold him in her arms, fall asleep nearby, a sense of security and communication with you will return. After some time, the baby will get used to the new state, calm down and begin to fall asleep at night with your minimum participation.

Physiological causes of poor sleep

Causes of poor sleep can be discomfort, pain, discomfort. The most common:
Intestinal colic. The cause of colic is often increased gas formation. When crying or feeding, the baby takes too much air. Gas accumulates in the intestines and causes pain. The difficulty with the discharge of gases due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed. For a long time, the baby received all the necessary substances through the umbilical cord, and now he needs to digest the food himself. Very often, children wake up from these unpleasant feelings at night and begin to cry.
To understand that anxiety is connected with intestinal colic, it is possible according to the behavior of the child. The tummy is dressed, the baby cries and presses the legs to the stomach. Usually colic begins at the 3rd week of life and ends at the 3rd month. Colic is not a disease, but a stage of formation of proper microflora in the intestine. Parents need to help baby survive this period. Mom is better to refuse food that calls for gas formation - bread, fruit, beans. When feeding, you should watch the baby take the breast so that during the meal it does not capture the extra air. To avoid colic, it is recommended to lay it on your tummy before each feeding. And after eating, hold the post until it disgushes the accumulated air. http://friendblast.com/index.php?do=/blog/82924/what-is-it-the-correct-sleep-of-a-child/
 When the colic is already overpowered, a tummy massage or a warm diaper applied to the abdomen helps well. The above methods did not work? - It remains to resort to an excellent folk remedy: dill water.

Discomfort caused by overheating, cold or long stay in the diaper. If overheated, the baby's skin will turn red. The fact that the child is cold can be understood by touching his cheeks. You feel that they are cold - it is worth finishing the walk or putting the baby on warmer if you are at home. But a long stay in the diaper can cause severe skin irritation and even diaper rash. The skin of a newborn is very delicate and thin. It is better not to use diapers on an ongoing basis, especially