Sunday, October 14, 2018

The world of smells

The world of smells surrounds us everywhere, and we face it continuously. The role of smells in our lives is huge. Modern people are accustomed to thinking that smells are just combinations of molecules that, when they enter the nose, irritate the nerve endings that transmit information to the brain. But according to the ideas of the ancient sages, the smell is the subtlest manifestation of material nature and is directly connected with the elements of the earth. Smells appeared together with the element of earth and are present wherever there is this element.


The influence of aromas on the physical and mental state of man has been known since time immemorial, as evidenced by vessels for incense and images of fragrant plants, found during excavations of ancient civilizations. The Bible and the Koran describe the various effects of the use of natural aromatic substances: from magic to aesthetic and medicinal. Detailed descriptions of the use of aromatic substances can be found in the ancient Indian epic poems "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana", which narrate the events that took place more than 5000 years ago. There also appear the first mentions of scented candles and sticks used to create a favorable atmosphere in the rooms, in noisy festive areas, as well as for performing magical rituals and treating various ailments. The ancient Egyptians, and then the Romans and the Greeks valued incense just as gold, silver, spices, and, considering them symbols of wealth, presented incense as the most valuable gifts. The ancient Greek poet Anacreon claimed that fragrant wands have a beneficial effect on feelings and thoughts. The Chinese poet and painter Wang Wei wrote to his student: “Fragrances act on you cleansingly and regenerating, strengthening your energy and filling your thoughts with serenity and pacification.” E.I. Roerich noted in her letters that smells are capable of controlling mood and performance, and the Koran says: “Smell is food that awakens the spirit ...”.

In the Middle Ages, when the plague became the scourge of all people, they tried to fight it with the help of fumigating air. It was believed that this destroys a bad "aura" or a deadly disease that hovers in the air. Doctors recommended collecting aromatic plants, drying and burning them every 12 hours. So huge fires of pines gave acrid smoke, which was very effective. Incense powder form was burned in homes and on the street. Scented candles burned in hospitals. Aromatic substances were the best antiseptics available at the time, and people, knowing this, used them against the Black Death.Each of us knows firsthand how the smell of flowers or fresh grass improves our well-being and improves our mood. Conversely, unpleasant odors cause depression. Thus, the smell can have either a negative or a positive effect on the physical body, on feelings and emotions, as well as on the thoughts of a person. Therefore, it is very important and useful to learn how to use this subtle energy - the smell to achieve peace, joy and harmony about life.Aromas and human bioenergetics
The ancient sages referred to man as a unique creation that was created in the image and likeness of God and is able to interact with the entire Universe. And man is not just a combination of atoms and molecules. It is an eternally existing soul, a spiritual person who is the source of energy in the body and controls the body like a driver driving a car. In addition to the dense physical body, man also has six more subtle bodies that do not manifest themselves in the physical plane that we are used to. At the same time, the smell as the thinnest substance can affect both the physical and thinner bodies.More subtle than the physical is the etheric body. It is an energy substance, consisting of magnetic fields. The etheric body includes seven energy centers - the chakras - and a multitude of energy channels through which energy is received and transmitted in the body. The etheric body is able to penetrate physically tangible objects. So it goes beyond the boundaries of our dense body, which is enclosed in it, as if in the "energy egg". The border of this "egg" is called an aura. The health of the etheric body depends on the health of both the physical and even more subtle - the astral and mental - bodies, because the etheric body, like cement mortar, holds the bricks together - the dense body system, and also provides the connection between the mental (mind), astral (senses, emotions) and physical bodies.

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