Saturday, November 24, 2018

Massage is a set of mechanical techniques

What is massage? Let's see. Massage is a set of mechanical techniques that affect organs and tissues. It is carried out both by hand and with the help of special devices. To enhance the action, fragrant oils, medicinal gels and even temperature effects are used - ice during cryomassage.General massage aims to increase muscle tone. All its inherent receptions - pressure, vibration, friction, causing alternating relaxation and contraction of muscles, which leads to an increase in the elasticity and flexibility. Massage is not for nothing called passive exercise, which, moreover, is not accompanied by increased blood pressure or difficulty breathing
From therapeutic - percussive massage, for example, and special - sports, cellulite, characterized by the general study of the entire front and rear surfaces of the body without concentrating on particular areas. If there are no diseases for which massage is prohibited, this approach is fully justified.
The technology of the session depends on the massage school. So, Oriental always include a head and face massage. Westerners, as a rule, exclude this area, focusing on the body. The procedure time ranges from 45 to 90 minutes. An excessively long session will do more harm than good, and can cause drowsiness and lethargy. Proper body massage creates a feeling of lightness in the body, supple and taut muscles, provides a burst of energy and good mood. If this is not the case, then the session takes too long or some of its techniques are not suitable.
During the hour-long session, 30 minutes are given to massage the back of the body, and 30 minutes to the kneading of the front. Begin the procedure from the back, then massage the neck and shoulders, then the buttocks and hips, and finally the legs. Massage the front surface begins with the legs - ankle, knees, hips, then massage the chest and very carefully hands up to the hands. The session ends with a belly massage.The scheme is identical to procedures of any length, but the processing of individual sections is determined by many factors, the general condition, body weight, development of muscle tissue, fat distribution layer and so on. General massage without a preliminary examination by a specialist and the definition of zones of sensitivity is impossible.Skin diseases, increasing and painful lymph nodes, and the presence of diseases requiring therapeutic massage, the general is not carried out. Special attention is required condition of the venous system: varicose veins and painful sessions are prohibited, but to answer this question exactly can only practitioner. websiteWhat is useful?Massage is a therapeutic procedure even if it does not pursue any specific goals. The number of diseases that are cured or prevented in this way is simply incalculable. In addition, it is the most pleasant way to bring in the tone and muscles, and joints, and even your own thoughts.

The skin is rich in nerve endings. Even a simple warming touch brings pleasure and relaxes tired muscles. Rubbing and kneading the whole body increases this feeling many times. Massage causes the production of endorphin, so that peace and happiness are the usual signs of a properly performed procedure.
Pressure and rubbing causes the muscle tissue to contract and relax. Thus, they restore elasticity and strength even to muscles that are atrophied after prolonged inactivity. Absolutely no harm will massage and after a well conducted training: exercise makes muscles contract, while rubbing their draws. On the one hand, it helps to quickly get rid of excess lactic acid, on the other - increases the elasticity of the fabric. In fact, a general massage is designed for relaxation and toning of muscle tissue only. This means that during grinding and pressure, the speciali pays the most attention to the muscle response. The rest of the impact is considered additional.
Mechanical effect on skin and muscle tissue indirectly tone and blood circulation: activates blood flow, dilates the capillaries. This tissue gets more oxygen and nutrition. Not in vain, after the massage, the skin also becomes much more elastic and tender.
General massage helps to reduce blood pressure, and even affects the lymphatic system, accelerating the removal of toxins.
Despite the fact that in European schools massage of the head is not included in the scheme, sessions allow to get rid of headaches of different nature. The impact on the neck and shoulder area restores normal blood circulation of the head, that is a guarantee not only the lack of a migraine, but also a good mood, vitality, excellent memory and attentiveness.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

3 components of good sleep baby: parents note

There are some components, without which the baby will be difficult to get into the arms of Morpheus. Think about it beforehand.
Good rest is very important for children. It provides a normal rhythm of growth processes, nervous activity, restores the work of the brain and the whole organism. That is why babies sleep most of the day, gaining strength.

There are approximate sleep rates for a child. Of course, they depend on many factors, but the main one is the age of the baby:

  • 1-2 months - 18-19 hours;
  • 3-4 months - 17 hours;
  • 5-6 months - 16 hours;
  • 7-9 months - 15 hours;
  • 10-12 months - 14 hours.
Your child sleeps much less than normal, and then is naughty all day? If the cause is not sick, help him fall asleep!


Equipped bed

Today he falls asleep at home in his arms, tomorrow - on the street in a wheelchair, then - in a car or at a party. And each time the script changes. And nothing else, just wake up the baby is not in the same place where he fell asleep.

Remember how the baby looks at all sides immediately after waking up. What wants to see? His usual world and mother's eyes. However, sometimes you do not have time to run to the room, or during the period of sleep you have already transferred the baby to bed. Therefore, you get tears.

Arrange a place to sleep and try to lay the child there. So that the usual things, smells, and lighting should be nearby. If it happens that you need to sleep somewhere else, be near when the child wakes up and greet him.

Comfortable mattress

Baby sleeping on a mattress, which he got from a brother or sister? Most likely, during the use of it there were dents, so the child is simply uncomfortable (and it is dangerous for the backrest!) To sleep on such a surface. Therefore, experts recommend to buy for your baby a quality orthopedic mattress. Be sure to new! It is also advised not to lay the child on the pillow and not to use it for a year. Another warning: you can sleep only in the stroller where the backrest is deflected to a horizontal position. Watch this!

Hearty dinner and delicious tea

Even the most restless kids fall asleep at her mother's breast. Feeding with milk, the baby works - it actively sucks the breast and of course gets tired at the same time. It happens even without finishing the meal, the baby falls asleep. A few minutes later did not wake up to finish? Do not prevent him from sleeping, carefully pull out his chest and cover the child with a blanket.

Is your baby bottle-fed? Then try to calculate your mealtime so that half an hour after dinner (or less) it is bedtime. Just do not let the little bottle in hand, even if he knows how to keep it well yourself. Better feed him yourself. Dormant, the baby can not hold the bottle and release it. Now and sleep was gone! Your embrace, on the contrary, lull you to sleep. By the way, if you feed the baby and lie down to relax with it, your sleep will last much longer, because the smell of the mother, the feeling of intimacy and safety sets you up for a long and relaxing vacation.

Many people advise giving a calming drink before bedtime. Those who are bottle-fed, and all after the introduction of complementary foods - some water or special children's tea. Senior can offer a glass of milk or kefirchik.

However, there are those who believe that drinking before a day or night's sleep stimulates frequent urination, which wakes the child. They can argue. First, when a child needs it, you still need to water it. Especially when the room is too warm or the batteries are turned on. Secondly, today there are many types of diapers, panties, which absorb moisture well. So why not drink a warm tea before bed?

The benefits and harms of aromatherapy.

 At all times, people liked the pleasant smells of the sea wind, freshly cut grass or resinous pine buds. The smell excites, soothes or, on the contrary, excites. It has been proven to smell essential oils found mainly in plant tissues. Since ancient times, healers have used this property of plants in their practice, intuitively guessing its use for patients. You can buy dapoxetine in Kazan on the website of the online store
At all times, people liked the pleasant smells of the sea wind, freshly cut grass or resinous pine buds. The smell excites, soothes or, on the contrary, excites. It has been proven to smell essential oils found mainly in plant tissues. Since ancient times, healers have used this property of plants in their practice, intuitively guessing its use for patients.
Recent studies have greatly expanded the scope of information about aromatherapy. So nowadays they call it “smell treatment”. Of course, we are talking about adjuvant therapy, because everyone understands that sniffing garlic, for all its usefulness, cannot cure the flu! Aromatherapy is often used in combination with manual massage and acupuncture to enhance the positive effect.It is known that the essential oils of lemon balm, fir and juniper have a calming effect on highly excitable patients with an unstable nervous system. A relaxing massage with the same oils greatly facilitates the condition of patients with prolonged depression. With the same pathology, mandarin oil and red orange oil are shown, but it should be noted that the effect in this case will not be relaxing, but rather tonic and invigorating. Tea tree essential oil, in addition to its pleasant smell, also has an antibacterial effect. It can be applied to the skin with certain dermatological infections.But aromatherapy, like any medal, has two sides. The use of any drug requires caution, as it involves some risk of possible side effects. There are a number of facts that should not be forgotten.
For example, rosemary oil contributes to an increase in blood pressure. Essential oils of lavender and tea tree have an estrogen-like effect, so they should be used with caution by women over 35 years old. Some of the essential oils can trigger an asthma attack or cause an allergic reaction. It is not recommended to also use aromatherapy for pregnant women in the first trimester due to the theoretical possibility of a teratogenic effect.
There is no single advice on the correct use of essential oils. Most often, a few drops of aromatic oil are added to the aroma lamp bowl. As a rule, these are various clay figures with a recess for a candle-tablet and a container for water, into which oil is dropped. Sometimes the oil with water is sprayed from the diffuser in the room. If it is recommended to use aromatic oil for massage, it should be diluted in neutral oil or lotion.